Rockin’ the house
No one puts on a Grand Opening like Rally68. We’ve done it hundreds of times, and we’ve always done it right. We make sure your customers see the best side of you and have a great time in the process.
Kroger In The Ville
Store Grand Opening
What better way to show off the partnership between Kroger and the University of Louisville than the creation of a new and totally unique shopping experience? And what better way to kick it all off than with a Kroger In The Ville Grand Opening Celebration!
Burlington Stores
Family Fun Day Grand Opening Events
For four years, Rally68 created and fully executed practically turn-key Family Fun Day Grand Opening Events for Burlington Stores. Nearly 200 of them in total with many on the same day in multiple states at the same time!
Rally68 hired and trained staff, arranged entertainment and even collected and compiled valuable opt-in customer information during these three and four hour events.
Have a similar logistical challenge? Think Rally68.